Apr 30Liked by Liz Dubelman

I know I should be commenting on the organizing principles, but I am instead going for a reply to the lower hanging fruit. re: General Hospital. Yaaaas! When i was a HS freshman i was at Windows on the World with family for some fancy brunch. walking into the ladies room, i found myself surrounded by benches and mirrors in a wide circle. it was magnificent and only one other woman sat in the room: Genie Francis from GH. As an uber fan, i recognized her immediately and stopped short. She caught me gawking and started a lovely chat. When she learned my name was Laura she said "this was meant to be!" She was so sweet and kind and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered rapidly. Love that memory. (Not to mention the location...RIP)

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I like the description of your setup on Google Drive for folders. I have many folders but have not really understood how to use Google Drive effectively. My son has said he would help me, and we plan to do a screen sharing lesson sometime.

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